Views: 21 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2017-03-23 Origin: Site
Concrete Saw Cuts
Saw cuts are a way to generate Concrete saw cuts should be done at a predetermined spacing to control cracking due to shrinkage. It is really important to cut concrete after it has obtained enough strength to keep it from raveling but before cracks could be initiated internally. The timing of saw cuts is essential to avoid cracks in concrete before cutting. Determining when to saw cut concrete depends on the , temperature, mix design and aggregate type.
How Soon Can You Cut Concrete?
Concrete saw cut timing depends on several factors such as hardness, blade type, weather condition, andaggregate size. If you start saw cutting concrete to early, you might be causing raveling, while sawing too late will result in uncontrolled cracking. Under hot weather, saw cutting should start after an hour depending on how the concrete is reacting. The saw operator could try to perform trial cuts to determine if the concrete is ready to be saw cut. Saw cutting should start as soon as the raveling stops during these trial cuts. If the slab of concrete is too large, you might want to have several saws to work in several areas at the same time. Some contractors delay sawing to protect their equipment and saw blade to reduce blade abrasion. There are several types of saw blades that can be used depending on the concrete used and how fast these cuts could be started.
Avoid joint raveling by:
Pushing the blade too hard
Saw cutting at high speed
Using a saw with a ben spindle
Using the inappropriate saw blade