Views: 50 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2016-08-04 Origin: Site
Concrete can be a god send when you need a resilient, strong and weather resistant material. However, when the time comes to replace it, remove it or repair it, it suddenly becomes your arch enemy!The thought of having to cut concrete yourself can be rather daunting, as it takes a certain skillset to be able to carry out the job to a high standard. But for those of you looking to take on the challenge yourself, we’ve created a concrete cutting guide with some adviceto make sure you use the right tools for the job and carry it out as safely as possible
Concrete cutting optionsThe old saying, “you’re only as good as your tools” really rings true here. When it comes to cutting concrete, it all comes down to the type and quality of tools you use.With a wide range of different tools available, we’re going to take you through the different blades you can saw your concrete with, so you know what your options are.Wet cutting diamond bladesThe water helps keep the blade cool and lubricated, whilst also dampening the dust down and reducing the amount of dust created. This blade cuts the fastest and the cleanest but the drawback is that it does need a specific saw that can be used safely alongside water.
For example, our concrete cutting machine , Our concrete cutting machine are wet cutting diamond blades, we adopt wire-cut So you will see our concrete cutting machine is not only have good desigh , but also cutting concrete very straight line, it is Very important For road or concrete repair .
Dry concrete cutting diamond bladesThis blade will often have a toothed rim which helps keep the blade cool and free from any buildup of waste. To prevent the blade from overheating, the blade should be used to make a series of gradually deeper cuts rather than one singular, deep cut. Unfortunately dry cutting creates the most dust, so if you’re cutting the concreteindoors, make sure you close all doors in the room to retain the amount of dust that travels. Abrasive corundum masonry bladesThese blades are suitable for shallow cutting, as any more than ¼-½ inch cuts can be rather time-consuming to make.
The blades can wear out quickly but they aren’t too expensive to buy if you do need to replace them. Failing this, you can always try adjusting the position of the saw to make better use of the blade.It is also not unusual for abrasive corundum blades to release a smell and glow from the amount of heat being produced from the friction.
We usually give our client some advice :
If your blade suddenly stops cutting, this could be because the material you are trying to cut is too soft. Diamond cutting edges are designed to penetrate hard materials only.
Let the weight of the saw do the cutting and never force the blade into a cut.
A wet blade must always be used with water, whereas a dry blade can be used either with or without water.
Remember to always wear ear and eye protection when dry sawing concrete.
To avoid the blade from overheating, let the blade run off its own accord for roughly 30 seconds.
If you don’t need to make perfectly straight and even lines, try using a hammer and chisel to score the concrete block before you cut it. Start by outlining the area you need to chisel away by scoring lightly with your chisel.
If you want to know more detais and advice ,please contact with us !